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noox castle
It is a historical monument, built in the year 1272 located on the side of the Elbe River.
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noox castle
It is a historical monument, built in the year 1272 located on the side of the Elbe River.
Invest in a rental pool of practical, beautiful and sustainable units in a Castle in Mühlberg, Germany.
MÜHLBERGPOOL It is a form of real estate investment in Noox Castle, in Mülhberg, near Berlin Germany, a place that is rented for lodging, social events and where art residencies and cultural events are held.
rendimiento Estimado
6.6 %
add ons
Stays in Haciendas
Ticopó and Rio Lagartos,
in the state of Yucatán MX
Partner in
productive projects and
eco friendly
Enjoy spaces
in CDMX and Yucatán
Receive benefits by
contribute to the work of
recovery and heritage rescue of Muhberg Castle
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